Element Domain Specialization Step 5-3: Test The Stylesheet

To test the stylesheet, deploy the plugin to your Toolkit and run the Toolkit's HTML transformation type against the test topic you created in Step 2

If you have an XSLT development environment such as OxygenXML or XMLSpy, you can also run the stylesheet directly against a topic—you won't get any processing that requires resolution of conrefs or generation of links but you'll be able to validate that the XSLT is producing the correct XSLT markup.

To deploy the plugin to your Toolkit, do the following:
  1. Copy the plugin's directory to your Toolkit's plugins directory.
  2. Run the integrator.xml Ant task:
    c:\DITA-OT > ant -f integrator.xml
    You should see output like this:
    Buildfile: integrator.xml
    [integrate] Using XERCES.
    Total time: 2 seconds

Now run the Toolkit's HTML transformation type against your test topic as you normally would. You should see the new formatting for the various element types.